Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Live Life Like an Olympian

     In the past week, people around the world have enjoyed watching the Olympics in London.  The perfection in which the athletes perform has wowed fans everywhere.  Some have asked, how exactly does a person become so amazing at their sport?  Whether you’re Michael Phelps, Cullen Jones or Ryan Lachte of men’s Olympic swimming, or Gabby Douglas or Jordan Weaver of Women’s Olympic gymnastics, or Missy Franklin, women’s Olympic swimmer, they all have some things in common.  They had a dream.  They set a goal.  They made a plan.  They followed the plan.  They are living their dreams. 
     If you were given the opportunity to talk to any one of them they’d tell you it wasn’t an easy road.  They would tell you they wake up early, they eat healthy, they exercise at an intense level for hours on end and they make lots of sacrifices that many of their friends don’t have to make. 

     Life is no different for any of us.  Their goal was to make it to the Olympics.  Your goal may be something completely different but in order to obtain it, you have to be willing to work for it.  Your level of commitment and perseverance to meet your goals should be no different than that of an Olympian.  Whatever your desire in life is, go for it with the same intensity and determination they have.  Choose to live your life like an Olympian and go for the gold.

     Until next time, I hope you have been encouraged, empowered, enriched, and enlightened.
